Havasu Trip 2014
Entering the Grand Canyon as we begin our Adventure
Looking Back from Where We Came
Robb Hiking the 10 Mile Trek to the Village
Brent Taking a Break to Move a Small Rock
First Sight of the Havasupai Village
Still two more miles to the Campground
Crossing the Beautiful Blue Havasu River at Our Campground
It gets it's color from the limestone and other minerals carried and deposited along the way.
Base Camp
First Look at Mooney Falls on our Way to the Bottom of the Grand Canyon
Hidden Picnic Table as We Descend
Entering the Mooney Mud Caves
Looking Back through the Cave
A View of Mooney Half Way Down
Beginning the Final Section to the Bottom
Reaching the Bottom
A Panorama View from the Bottom of Mooney Falls
Another View of Lower Mooney
Following the River Down to the Colorado
We finally Reach the Bottom of the Grand Canyon where the Havasu River Meets the Colorado River
A Panorama View of the Colorado River
Rafters often Stop at the bottom of the Havasu so they can explore the pools and river above.
Looking Up from the Bottom of the Havasu
Brent takes a break on the way back up the 15 Mile Round Trip
Mountain Goats Challenging Us to a Staring Contest
A marker indicates where the Havasupai Tribal Lands begin about half way along
Time to Explore Beaver Falls
Jumping into Beaver Falls
Hidden Falls and Grotto
Time to Ascend Back Up at Mooney Falls
Exploring Old Mine Shafts beyond Havasu Falls
500We found old mining rails and plenty of caverns to explore hundreds of feet back into the mine.
Robb at Havasu Falls
Havasu Falls
The pools below Havasu Falls were our playground for the day
A View of Navajo Falls on Our Way up to the Village
Can you say "Supai Combo"? Lunch at the Village Cafe
The campground also offered some welcome food
Loud thunder shook the canyon and storm clouds rolled in as we prepared for our last night
Muddy River
The once clear blue river now muddy brown after the previous night's microburst rainstorm. The river rose two feet and our neighbors across the river evacuated
Havasu Falls poured chocolate as we began our hike out
One last reminder of the beautiful things we had experienced throughout our trip in Havasu
Finally Made it Out
And enjpyed a welcome Ice Cold Drink from a Havasupai Vendor at the Top as we Finished our Adventure